Friday, January 3, 2014

SQL Connection Cache Size for OpenText eDOCS DM Server

The SQL Connection Cache Size value is one of the DM Server configuration values. You can set it in DM Server Manager on Libraries / Library Properties page.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to Find Slow SQL Queries in eDOCS DM Server Logs

As a matter of performance optimization of an Hummingbird / OpenText eDOCS DM environment, I tried to detect performance issues and I started my research by checking the backend, i.e. the database. If I were a DBA, I would probably use monitoring and performance profiling tools on the database side. Unfortunately, I don't have that privileged level of access to the database as a DBA has. What I have is the access to DM servers and the DOCSADM login to the database. This should be enough to find the slowest SQL queries and to try to fine-tune performance.